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Submit Products for Review

We welcome submissions of children’s interactive media from any publisher of any size or part of the world. Any commercial product is "fair game" for a review, with no exceptions. CTR considers apps, commercial video games, software, Internet sites, and smart toys for ages birth to 15 years of age. We don’t look at linear media or non-interactive products, and we can’t ensure that we’ll review every product.

There are no fees associated with submitting products. Before you send us products, check to make sure that your title is not already listed in the CTR online review database. You might also want to watch "Working With the Press… Do’s and Don’ts".

What We Pick for Review

The number of children’s apps far outnumbers our ability to provide comprehensive coverage. In determining how to spread our attention, we consider the following factors:
  • Suggestions from readers. We tune into our subscribers and take requests.
  • "Consumer Risk" – a free product is less likely to be reviewed, simply because you can give it a test to see for yourself. That’s not to say we don’t review all “free” products. We do consider children’s time in this formula. A product with popular characters does increase the chances we’ll have a look.
  • Lack of PR resources. We especially look for promising products that might fly under the radar of other review services.
  • The first of a series. We try to “nip it in the bud” to point out common errors for a planned series. Perhaps the creator can make changes.
  • Newsworthiness. We’ll have a quick look, but determine it doesn’t merit the review time because it lacks something we call “newsworthiness.” For example, if an app is the second or third in a series, and the design doesn’t vary from others, we’ll make a note of the new product in the start of the original product with a date stamp, and move on.
  • Does it fill the curriculum grid? We’re always looking for interactive products with learning value; worthy of classroom time and resources.

Product Submission Form

* Indicates required field

Product Information

*Product Name:
The suggested retail (or street) price in USD.
Hardware and platform information.
The recommended age(s) for the product.
*Key Dates:
The street date (ideally we like to see products 30-60 days prior to the street date.
The URL to download the product, or the product website.
Any required codes for access or downloading, to give us a child's eye view of your product.

Product Screenshots (Optional)

Don't send images that are promotional in any way; we won't use those images. For apps, we like three images:
  1. Typical activity
  2. Main menu or choice point
  3. Another typical activity; we want to show the child's eye view
Image 1 URL:
Primary image - what the child does (typical activity).
Image 2 URL:
Main menu or choice point.
Image 3 URL:
Support image - another typical activity.

Company Contact Information

*Company Name:
*Contact Name:

Any Additional Information


Where to Send Materials

Children's Technology Review
126 Main Street
Flemington, NJ 08822

908-284-0404 (phone, 9 AM - 3PM, EST)
Final packaging and swag is not necessary and has no bearing on determining if a product gets reviewed.